RevamPinG....Just a BloG...

"tHe GreaTesT tHinG, YoU'll eVeR LeaRn, iS jUsT tO LoVe anD bE LovEd iN rEtUrN..."

Sunday, March 14, 2010

IT show 2010

The weekend was one quite extraordinary...i did something i have never done before in my 25 yrs of life...dunno-how-many-yrs of singlehood...and the photo tells it all...

i was at the IT show 2010 on friday coz me and my colleagues went for some seminar which was proved quite irrelevant to our industry....

nonetheless, the weekend highlight at suntec was the IT show 2010...

and like any other IT was crowded everywhere...and lets zoom to the main pt... THERE WAS THIS DAMN HOT SHOWGIRL for HTC...really super pretty....this photo doesn't do her total justice...the real person looks very much more prettier than this already-pretty pic...

nice bods...everything a ger would dream for...and everything a guy would die the very sexy, tight HTC outfit....omg!! and coerced by my colleague....i plucked up some courage to approach her for this photo taken... :)

went back on sat as i wanted to get a camera...while waiting for my friend to come....i went up level 6 again to the HTC booth...daring huh? yup...came up with some crap reasons to chat her up abit...then tried to ask for her number...but bang! 被打枪! so sad...

i have nvr done this before...i have nvr approached a stranger for a photo taken...nvr approach a stranger for her number....i, myself, felt quite awkward...i guess the ger would feel even worse...i mean it's really not in sg's culture to do such things yay? or maybe i'm just not handsome enough....sad~!!!!

quite would be great if she had agreed to be friends...

haiz...the weekend is over....

so wake up, zs!

no more showgirl!!! :(