RevamPinG....Just a BloG...

"tHe GreaTesT tHinG, YoU'll eVeR LeaRn, iS jUsT tO LoVe anD bE LovEd iN rEtUrN..."

Wednesday, March 31, 2004

yesterday went to pub with some of my guys..
coz some of them going up to ROC tonight..
drank quite alot but never lose my conscious..
some of them went real crazy..
got drunk..
wat else?
y some pple just can't control?
dun they know their own limits?

feel like trying to get drunk once..
wonder how will it feel..
wonder what will i do..
juz wonder..

Monday, March 29, 2004

Ars is not losing
not losing at all
bought a notebook..
with a "Zen" printed in front
"Zen" for "zhansheng"
designed for me..
tanned --> black --> sorrow --> depressed...

Sunday, March 28, 2004

blogging on a sunday night..
damned tired..went to sentose siloso beach today..
it's been ages since i last went there..matbe 10 yrs or so?
yahz..i think it's been that LONG..
had funz over there..playing beach volley..soaking in the cool sea water..
beach is so happening!!
a brand new week ahead..Argghzz..back to work

going for the ST scholarship interview tml afternoon..
tried last year but couldn't get it..
going for a second attempt..abit nervous though..
tot of preparing something..but dun really know what to..
all the best to me..
hopefully, it'll turn out fine..

Thursday, March 25, 2004

Chel 1-1 Ars
Real 4-2 Monaco
one draw in 4 games...quite unexpected results for this stage in CL
wateva the looks like the semi-finalists are quite obvious now..
if nothing cropped all in the 2nd legs

anywayz..i'm getting real tired these days...din get much zzz..
dun wanna get much zzz...haiz...

Wednesday, March 24, 2004

oh yahzz..
latest CL scores:
AC Milan 4 - 1 Deportivo
Porto 2 - 0 Lyon
eat ball one all lose..
how is it possible?
CL games should be tight mahz..
such a scoreline!!!!sianz
in my sig coy office now..nothing much to do
many guys went for some briefing..leaving only a few peepz around..
haha...slackz..but tired..coz of the morning 4km run..

Monday, March 22, 2004's my coY coHesIoN daY toDaY..
dun need to gO baCk shiok!
anywayz..wEnT wiF mY guYz to havE lunCh
anD theN, pLayeD pooL..haha..
well~ i gUess thAt's WaT YounGstErz fRequEnt tHeSe daYz
waT elSe aRe thErE thatZ fuN oN eaRth?
noT maNy..weLL...
"sometiMez huh... iT'z jUz LiFe laR...."

Sunday, March 21, 2004

Ars 2 - 1 BoltoN..
ars is so formidable!!!
still not losing yet..
how impressive..esp Henry
well will be the upcoming CL games against Chel..
haven't lost to them this season so far..
abit dangerous to meet them in the quarters..
hopefully, ars can clinch the Treble this season!
good luck!

Saturday, March 20, 2004

hMmzzz...juz added a few lightning pics on my page
nice...i like the image of lightning!
so coolz

Friday, March 19, 2004

Friday le..haha..
it's a long weekend again..
coz my unit just ended an exercise..
niwayz..i'm now still in camp..doing nothing once again..
how i wish life can be like this for the next 1 yr..
wonder when the pace will really pick up?
dunno so many to survive!!!!

Sunday, March 14, 2004

hMmZz..waT A sunDay..
dOinG mY DO duTy in CamP..
nOtHinG reaLLi muCh to Do & tHat xpLaiN whY iT'z s0 SiaNzz..
oH weLL..juZ fiNish a bOok wHicH i BoRRoweD wEekz aGo..
"UnsTopPaBle PeOpLe"..pReTTy intErestinG..iNsPiRinG..
sOrt oF reaLisEd waTz miSsinG in LiFe..
tHis tHinG caLLeD paSsiOn..oR dEsiRe..
"wHat d0 i WanT in LiFe?" tHe qUestiOn wiLL PoP uP aGaiN..
perHapz i ShouLd finD tiMe t0 siT d0wN
anD reaLLy finD thiS pAsSiOn thatz miSsinG..
tO OriEntaTe mYseLf iN the DirectioN i wAnT t0 hEaD..

Saturday, March 13, 2004

any ideas to improve my page??
pls comment

Friday, March 12, 2004

1sT Day oF mY bRanD nEw VerSion!