RevamPinG....Just a BloG...

"tHe GreaTesT tHinG, YoU'll eVeR LeaRn, iS jUsT tO LoVe anD bE LovEd iN rEtUrN..."

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

perhaps all these while...i know what were the right thing to do...

but i always ended up doing the completely opposite....

this time....i shall do it right...


Monday, October 19, 2009

i almost forgot i once had a blog...

it's been sometime since i last visited here...and i doubt anyone still checks out this site...

anyways, i didn't intend to get back to my blogging dayz...for i believe, at least for me, that i only blog when i'm feeling down...but somehow, i feel quite emo today...and i'm actually trying very hard to refrain from such feelings...

maybe it's the meet up with ming yang and all...for haoyun's departure to china on monday...when we talked abt lotsa stuffs...include relationship...maybe the feeling has always been suppressed within me...and yest night is just wat it takes to make it re-emerge from the depth it was previously hidden...anyway...i have no intent to have it resurface...or perhaps...i dun have the courage to do that...

am abit surprised to knw that ming yang has turned to christianity due to his fair share of emotional problem...and am equally surprised to knw that felix tan zhi hao is secretly planning something...

well..hope all will be well for them...

and as for me...i dun wish to fall deep into the same pit...the pit that i had managed to climb out of from//...erm...2 yrs back?

yup...i'm referring to carine...somehow...we have been meeting quite frequent for meals...and even a movie last week...something that, i would say, not possible before...these, of cos, were all initiated by me...but somehow, things feel quite different from the past...she seems to be more friendly towards me...and definitely not as evasive...

i know i shouldn't even think abt it...cos pple always say that if it didn't work out the 1st most definitely wouldn't on the 2nd attempt...nonetheless...i do really enjoy meeting her...but perhaps it is doing me more harm than good...but i'm gonna try very very hard to treat it as a normal friendship that i'm gonna treasure...

i guess i have a soft spot for the gals that i have liked before....

haiz...what to do...i just hope i wake up the next day feeling strong and ready for the many challenges ahead...and my focus shouldn't be on relationship...since it so often brings me nowhere...i dun see any exception this time...