RevamPinG....Just a BloG...

"tHe GreaTesT tHinG, YoU'll eVeR LeaRn, iS jUsT tO LoVe anD bE LovEd iN rEtUrN..."

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

::: the materials :::

yep..been working on a card will be the 1st one...and lets hope i will make more...

selection of materials and papers are done...the drawing is done (though not to perfection)...the most difficult task will be to put them all together...i hope it will turn out the way i have imagined it to be...

the pic on the right shows the front of the card without the embellishment...the holes with the silver eyelets looks cool right? haha...but i need to purchase the silver more of this color that i want...i think i need to make a trip to the 'legendary' ART FRIEND shop soon...

will post the pic of the final version...*praying hard that it will be nice enough to be a simple gift...

Sunday, June 24, 2007



我一直在等着 恋爱轰轰烈烈的发生
我很天真 觉得勇敢的情话最动人


我真的很想问 你是害羞还是太迟钝
我期待着 因为有你让爱情能完整

我真的很想问 你是害羞还是太迟钝
我期待着 因为有你让爱情能完整

well...haven't been blogging very frequently these days...just some updates for now....

been working on tues, wed and thurs this week with an adhesive company in sungei kadut...the powder that i'm dealing with is super irritating to the eyes and nose...fell sick from that on thurs went to see doc and got an mc for friday...super dizzy...had a bad flu and slight fever...and headache..and the usual cough...

so weak!

but seriously...the job aint comfortable at all...was told that i would be lab assistant...but most of the time when i am working...i would be in the warehouse instead of the lab...otherwise...i would be trying to slack in the office...hope the job ends soon (will take abt a week or 2)....

hmm....recently find some interest in card making...though haven't made any...but have been searching for resource books and reading up...ideas generating...but i aint that i will need alot more time...

next time i will personally make cards for birthdays!!! provided my passion doesn't die out too soon....

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

i have a month plus more...

to give...

Friday, June 15, 2007

::: Genting 10/06/07 - 12/06/07 :::

Okay, i shall start off by introducing the group: NESWG (a.k.a. North East South West Gang) ajc 1st 3mths classmates...we live everywhere around Singapore...thus the NESW...the 6 in the pictures are those that went...

missing personnels:

(jianxiong, me, qizhi) (kevin, jinyan, dawn)
our 1st dinner @ (i-forget-the-name-restaurant) in first world...

well...practically did nothing in the day coz everyone was rather lethargic once we reach the hotel rooms...lazy lazy...slackers! So, we went for dinner, afterwhich we went.........

BOWLING!!! thatz zs in action...

something that i aint good at since secondary sch dayz...yep...i'm really pretty bad at it..the score says it all...but i think i got the best improvement award!!! (coz my 1st game really sucked to the core)....

(1st and 2nd game scores)

of coz...zs is me!!! who can match a 42 points jump?!?!?! argh! i should really stop washing the drains for the bowling alley crew....waste money...*sobz....

after the game...we went to catch "Ocean's 13"...sleepy! i was practically dozing off every now and then during the 1st part of the show...which only got exciting when the execution of their plan started....a pretty nice show for those are not lacking of sleep...(3.5 stars out of 5)

and 1 ended...ermz...not so back to the rooms...washed up and gathered at the galz room to play the usual drinking game...oh...and did i mention that i vomitted, puked, Merlion-ed? yahz...a total of abt 4 times....argh! the feeling just sux...

it's like fighting the inner hollow (those bleach fanatics will know my jargon)...i almost couldn't remember wat i did...i almost couldn't control my pukez! yakz!!! but luckily..the inner hollow of mine was rather weak...managed to subdue it only when it's abt 8am in the morning...before that...i locked myself in the toilet...lying next to the toilet bowl so that i could vomit as and when i like....(okay...i dun really like...but i had no choice)...

it felt terrible!!! i swear that i wouldn't drink vodka too fast again!!!

the drinks that got me bankai-ed

and the culprit (the poker cards!!!) that made me "merlion"...

Day 1 - severe dehydration and hangover from the stupid vodka peach with coke/vanilla coke...

due to the unforeseen circumstances, Day 2 started off super late (2pm)...but it's pretty funz...theme park ridez!!! with the cool cool genting breeze...and the occasional "Fog of War" (oppz...i'm becoming a dotA addict)...see pictures...

the viking that only managed to get so 'high' (sarcasm intended)...

the free-fall that always gives me the 'waiting-to-die' sentiment...

the flying-merry-go-round...funz!

the dunno-wat-ride that doesn't need any mechanical equipment except for one that brings u up to a height..the rest are just wheels and slides...

the roller coaster ride which we took twice to pose ourselves nicely for the camera...(shall post the scanned photos once i got hold of them...)

some more photos after the rides....

me, qizhi and jinyan

me and jianxiong (we were supposed to give a handsome pose...)



after the theme park...we went for our buffet dinner at the Resort Cafe (or is it?)...nice variety of food...but i guess all of them (except me) were sashimi-crazy...i'm okay with salmon...but i didn't have alot...coz wasn't very hungry....

(i know someone who doesn't like raw food...or slimy stuff...oh well...)

after-dinner-activity was casino...kinda 1st time going there...didn't gamble at the tables coz the stake was pretty big for an unemployed (me)... min RM5/10...actualli it's okay larz..but i didn't want my money to drain out that i only bored myself with the jackpot machine...from which i won 50Rm...haha...not bad...

Day 2 - fun and lucky...filling...and non-alcoholic....haha

\nothing much to do for the last day since we had to check out at we woke up to pack our stuff...went for a last round of shopping and had lunch at Kenny Rogers....


that sums up the trip....short but fun...though i constantly thought of home druing those few dayz...i guess nowhere on earth will be as comfortable as your own home...

home sweet home

a strange feeling after i came back...feel that i've missed out on alot of stuff...

my brother signed up for starhub cable modem and cable friends can officially come my hse for big matches mahjong sessions...and a tinnie whinnie bit of alcohol that i can still handle...

book my hse!!!

kinda miss dotA...miss heroes which i didn't complete before i went on the trip...miss you (and u will nvr get to know)....

Thursday, June 14, 2007

i'm back!

shall blog abt genting soon....feeling lazy these dayz....

Sunday, June 10, 2007

gonna be away to Genting over the period from 10/06 to 12/06....

stay tune for updatez....

Friday, June 08, 2007

i told myself tat i wanna dream of u last night...and the next moment...i was already dreaming...of you...

sweet! haha

wonder how the subconscious mind work?

everything action..every's controlled by the brain...voluntary or involuntary...if the souls exist...scientifically...they should exist in the brain...

Thursday, June 07, 2007

when u mention an "amazing number" of pple blog...i wonder if you ever read blogz...

and if you read...did you ever read mine...

probably you did...and if you still do...i just wanna say..."lets be real good friends okay?" i just wanna be around where i can help if u ever need my assistance...(which i doubt so....haha)


life'z already tough there is really no pt making it tougher for myself...
sentosa at night just feel different from the day...

met up with kev..chunyen..dawn..jinyan and we went cafe de mar at sentosa siloso beach..some new place to hangout at along-the-beach bar where u can just chill and relax...they even have beds lying on the sand for u and your friends to sit ard and waste the night away...pretty smart idea...but nights at sentosa on weekdays are really kinda empty...

had some alcohol to get into the high mood...haha...scotch whiskey with mixers...didn't drink alot...(at least not more than that friday at felix's)...yupz...and we played the usual brigde...猜拳(5..10...15...)...daidee..and a new "dum-dumdumdumdu--dumdum" game...which chunyen can happily play on his own...haha....after the place closed at abt 2am...we decided to walk back to harbour front...

and from there...the 2 gals left and the 3 stupid guys whose minds aint function properly after the alcohols decided to do the stupidest thing one can think of...that is to walk to maxwell market when we only know the general direction...

along the way...we chatted...abt relationships...abt gals...abt ourselves...those usual emo stuffs larz...and i realised how much i haven't changed in this aspect...when chunyen and kev are pretty different from when i 1st know them...

probably it's in the bone...

but i'm really trying to learn...really...

and so...the 3 侠客 finally reached the destinated 客栈...with some help from a kind ah peh and the red dot building...which i later found it to be so familiar bcoz i have seen the place in a photo....

watz the worst part of the thing is that there is no 24hrs reached there at a godly 0500h or so...we waited till abt 0600h when the porridge store was ready to sell...had our hard-earned porridge which proved to be pretty tasty...and made our way back to the mrt station...

0700h -- reach home...

so i slept at abt 7plus...until 1400h when i woke up to begin a slack day at home...until at night...when the same bunch of pple called for mahjong at kev's we went over to play slow slow DMJ...(i have to say the pace is really very slow larz...)...ended at abt 1am...and we decided to go Chong Pang for its nasi lemak...

0300h -- reach home...

that sums up a day which began with Maxwell porridge and ended with Chong pang nasi!

recent craze: heroes....and dota...

i should start my learning of guitar soon...can't procrastinate again,...

Tuesday, June 05, 2007





Sunday, June 03, 2007

Your Five Variable Love Profile

Propensity for Monogamy:

Your propensity for monogamy is high.
You find it easy to be devoted and loyal to one person.
And in return, you expect the same from who you love.
Any sign of straying, and you'll end things.

Experience Level:

Your experience level is medium.
You probably have had a couple significant loves.
And you may have even had your heart broken.
But you haven't really dated a wide variety of people.


Your dominance is medium.
You tend to be the one with more power.
You aren't a total control freak in relationships..
But of course you don't mind getting you way!


Your cynicism is medium.
You'd like to believe in true and everlasting love...
But you've definitely been burned enough to know better.
You're still an optimist, but you also are a realist.


Your independence is high.
You don't need to be in love, and sometimes you don't even want love.
Having your own life is very important for you...
Even more important than having a relationship.

this is bullshit just makes up a story with the options you choose and nvr choose....crapz