RevamPinG....Just a BloG...

"tHe GreaTesT tHinG, YoU'll eVeR LeaRn, iS jUsT tO LoVe anD bE LovEd iN rEtUrN..."

Monday, April 10, 2006

disaster strikes in C-ing again... case you dun know my jargon of words...C-ing == c-programming...
and yes.. '==' refers to equals in C...'=' merely means 'is assigned to'..

dun be too bothered by me...i'm just abit irritated at the few hours spent with aragorn in forest...trying to build walls to protect frodo and the end...the walls collapsed like crazy....tragic....

oh..the question is to design a program to build walls to protect frodo in the forest lorz...funny questions but's this type of question...i think jia will understand how i feel...probably she would have felt more intense than me...

can't help aragorn...i feel so useless...the ring will fall into evil hands...the end of the world....

weep for me....