RevamPinG....Just a BloG...

"tHe GreaTesT tHinG, YoU'll eVeR LeaRn, iS jUsT tO LoVe anD bE LovEd iN rEtUrN..."

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

"drinking amplifies the way you are feeling"
--Quoted from yan'z blog...

thatz why pple drink during happy occasions and drown themselves with alcohol when they are, too, makes pple feel warm and tired...down a can of beer...turn on the air-con...cover yourself with a blanket...and off to nice....

when i was in Aussie last Nov, for my army...i averaged a can of VB per night before the commencement of the actual exercise...the nights were so cold and the VB (a brand of beer - victoria bitter) kept me warm...then..i would just 'slot' myself into the sleeping bag and doze off....

pple drink for different reason..happy or get high...well...sometimes i drink for the sake of particular reason...oh maybe there is....i wanna get sad....lolz...

that will sound sad for my blog again....

no larz...coz alcohol helps blood small quantity....


"每当我听见忧郁的乐章 勾起回忆的伤
每当我看见白色的月光 想起你的脸庞
明知不该去想 不能去想 偏又想到迷惘
是谁让我心酸 谁让我牵挂 是你啊

我知道那些不该说的话 让你负气流浪
想知道多年漂浮的时光 是否你也想家
如果当时吻你 当时抱你 也许结局难讲
我那么多遗憾 那么多期盼 你知道吗?

我爱你 是多么清楚 多么坚固的信仰
我爱你 是多么温暖 多么勇敢的力量
我不管心多伤 不管爱多慌 不管别人怎么想
爱是一种信仰 把我带到你的身旁...."

nice song yah...saw jeff chang on tv singing this song for the NKF's one of the songs that i like by jeff chang....