RevamPinG....Just a BloG...

"tHe GreaTesT tHinG, YoU'll eVeR LeaRn, iS jUsT tO LoVe anD bE LovEd iN rEtUrN..."

Monday, May 28, 2007

a day in suntec...

helping out at suntec today seemed fun...had a great time meddling with the cashier machine....and trying to get customers to come take a look at the cards(which i spent a little time on...coz i hate doing sales talk and my throat couldn't handle a day's talking...)

yah...and some customers were just not forthcoming at all...

ask ghim song...cheehao and scott and you will know what i mean...(oh...cheehao is my long lost primary sch friend that just so happen to be JK's army friend...and scott is someone that i got to know today...JK's friend as well...)

but to sum's still a good sunday spent down there...though tiring...

well....certain pple's expectations are really like 'Mt Everest'...i guess it's just because of the different calibre bah...

i used to have every high expectations also...and i always feel that i could have done better...and it really gets me least not in the direction to be high up on top until there is no further way up...

so i learn to play down these irritating expectations...of mine...and of others'...everything that turns out good will be a blessing...a least i wun feel too matter the least i have answered to myself....and thatz enough... you who have mountainous expectations...maybe it works for you...and i sincerely hope that everything will just turn out well for you....i know you can achieve anything you know that's just that you are being modest...

haha...all the best to you...and keep striving for the best...coz it belongs to you...