RevamPinG....Just a BloG...

"tHe GreaTesT tHinG, YoU'll eVeR LeaRn, iS jUsT tO LoVe anD bE LovEd iN rEtUrN..."

Friday, May 18, 2007

hmm...gone blog surf for awhile and came across weiz's post on friendship...(oh...btw...he's my chem eng 'jie bai' brudder...haha...we have so many things in common...and i keep bumping into him in sch..)'s indeed amazing how some friendships are formed and remain strong with the minimum effort...maybe it's the thing called 'fate''s just like how i can dun see my sec sch friends for ages during sch term...but when we meet up during the hols...the bond is still there...staying strong...hmm...maybe it's becoz of the many moments we shared in the past...

but then again...minimum effort is still needed...yes...a once-in-a-while 'Hi' over msn can hit off a decent chat to update on each other's life.....sadly...a few of these sec sch friends are somewhat more drifted away...i shan't list names here...hopefully..this sunday's bbq can serve as a chance for everyone to meet up again...

it does hurtz when you realise that the effort to maintain the friendship is pretty much one sided...(yes...even friendship can be unrequitted!?!??!!!?) it really so hard to be just good friends? is it not possible to be good friends? well...maybe like what weiz said...this friendship might nvr reach that kind of matter how hard i try...

i may be misinterpreted...but for now....i really just wanna be a good friend...nothing more...

i'm getting tired of all these...i'm beginning to wonder if it's worth it...