RevamPinG....Just a BloG...

"tHe GreaTesT tHinG, YoU'll eVeR LeaRn, iS jUsT tO LoVe anD bE LovEd iN rEtUrN..."

Monday, April 17, 2006

徐长今 always wins...she is always able to overcome matter what stand in her way..she will get thru...she is such a nice person...that everybody in the right frame of mind will help her... mom is hooked to the 大长今...very nice meh? i dunno...didn't really watch with time for that lar...

this noon was abit disastrous...own3d by the stupid ma1506 tut on surface integral...stokes and guass aint my good friends..they always bully me with the curl and div thingy they have...

if you understand what i will feel with me...


i think i'm behind schedule...i aint a very efficient person..pple take 1 hr..i may have to take 2...what to do...spend more time?

how to do that when i am someone who needs more slepp than others too?

one word: cui-ed...

recent night rests haven't been well either...can't really put my mind to rest...i would be 'happily' thinking about integration when i sleep...wake up in the morning with an equation in the bad can it get?

oh..i need good least when i sleep at be able to start a new day fresh....

2nd sem in uni only..sigh~....

unconscious sighing is bad.... thoughts aint linked at all...i'm jumping from one thing to another without me really noticing it...lolz...

go to sleep lar....orh...