RevamPinG....Just a BloG...

"tHe GreaTesT tHinG, YoU'll eVeR LeaRn, iS jUsT tO LoVe anD bE LovEd iN rEtUrN..."

Monday, August 27, 2007

i keep telling myself that i gotta do something abt it...but everytime...i find myself doing the direct opposite...


i think my persistence is a flaw in my's just like i had hit my head against the wall but i still try to go into it...thinking that the wall might break down one day...yah right...that someday will be long long after the day my head breaks down 1st...

yanz said that some of shaggerz are rather similar in the sense that we are all quite 专情...wonder if it's a good thing...coz it's usually the source of trouble that we inflict upon ourselves... the 人是犯贱的-theory once again...

well...till the day i prove the theory wrong...i will always be a living example...a case study for the stupid theory...feel free to study ME!
