RevamPinG....Just a BloG...

"tHe GreaTesT tHinG, YoU'll eVeR LeaRn, iS jUsT tO LoVe anD bE LovEd iN rEtUrN..."

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

okay...i got pple commenting that my blog updates are not as frequent as before...

my reason being...i'm feeling much happier these dayz...yah...for no particular reason...i'm just feeling more carefree recently...nothing much has changed...i'm still the same old persistent me...the one that is good friend of Mr Cockcroach...the one that resists the strong temptation of evolution and remains pretty much the same...*stupid!...ceteris paribus (econs students must know this)...the only obvious change is that i have gotten abit richer! woohoo!

ya! after the Kukup week...which i slacked like crazy...i went back to Casco to work for another week...this time...the work aint that sweating anymore...less warehouse trips to check on the 'rock' (powder)...but this just means more lab tests also...

i think i had a record high of 40 test samples in a day...stirred and blend the adhesive until my fingers ached...until my hands start to develop thicker skins...until my back cried from standing too long...

so...last week was nothing but boring work...that denied all possibilities of any lunch dates...and destroyed any glimpse of hope that i could have a good lunch friends!

ended the job on friday coz i dun wanna cheat their money...(or rather i dun wan them to cheat my cheap labour anymore)..and so this week's back to the same slacking routine...even though i'm quite resolute to bring in something a robbing trip to the bank...a few laps in the pool under the scorching sun...a day trip to Sentosa for chess fwc beach day...a hunting for my backpack...a billiard session...

AND ANOTHER DENTAL SESSION TMR MORNING@!!!! (i just had one 2 weeks back!) teeth are giving my some problems lately...

i have to admit...that i'm starting to feel empty again now that i'm not working....argh...

*drag my legs to the toilet... that more or less sums up this post...

oh ya...i sorta saw my che3 timetable le...argh/!! two 8am-dayz...6 core modulez...tat spells disaster....

for once...i'm envious of those pple going overseas for SEP or NOC etc....