RevamPinG....Just a BloG...

"tHe GreaTesT tHinG, YoU'll eVeR LeaRn, iS jUsT tO LoVe anD bE LovEd iN rEtUrN..."

Sunday, September 05, 2004

being put aeroplane by my fellow sec sch bball
stupid thomas...say 9am at yew tee cc then in the end,
no one was there...felt so them also no one pick up phone..

the thing is he is the one that jio me and yet, no one turn up...
lucky saw one of my bball junior there and playeed with his friends..

but i still feel damn angry..if you cannot confirm you can make it..then dun jio..
or if you decided to cancel it, at least give a call to inform... mood is spoilt for the day...